dilluns, 17 de desembre del 2018

PENPALS (6th grade)

This year we are going to have a penpal from SAFA Lleida.
Click here and enjoy the videos they have sent.

Please leave a comment!

 After Christmas we will prepare a video for them.

Resultado de imagen de MERRY CHRISTMAS

dimecres, 28 de febrer del 2018

dissabte, 20 de gener del 2018


4th Grade of Primary

Do you remember how to ask in English: " Quin aspecte tens"? 
We have learnt it singing the song " What do you look like? But there are other aspects to take into consideration. 

Look at the example:
 Resultat d'imatges de how to describe a person
 Order of hair description adjectives 

In class we wrote some descriptions and  we are wishing to share it with all our classmates and families . We hope that not only you like it but have a lot of fun while reading it! Are you ready?