divendres, 27 de març del 2020

My dad

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Tell me something about your dad or your mum!

12 comentaris:

  1. Hello,I'm Arnau Aznar and my dad is 46 years old too!He has got brown eyes like me!
    Arnau Aznar.

  2. My father name is Oscar and he is 46 years old.
    Your daily routine is a get up 6 o 'clock and goes to work.
    His job is to sell motorcycles.
    In the evenings he continues to work at his job and on the weekends he plays with me and my brother.Sóc la Claudia Saldaña.

  3. His name is Jose,
    He likes reading and sew.
    He has got brown eyes. I've got brown eyes, too!
    My dad sometimes make my breakfast.
    He's a rapid prototyping technicien.
    Sometimes I help for cooking.

    Inés Resa.

  4. My dad is 50 years old, is hair is black and gray, his eyes are brown, he is the math teacher
    and I love my father.
    Sara Khaidar

  5. My father is javier and he is 39 years old.
    He in the morning wakes up at 5am to go to work , he works as a Doga where weihts for cars .
    He works every day excep Saturday and Sunday , my father look more like my brother ,but what he enjoys most is being with us.

  6. My mother's name is Ruth and she have's 43 years old, and she is the best mother in the world.

    Arnau Caldés Garcia

  7. Hi! My mam has black and long hair, an oval face and brown eyes. She organizes events, and they are always elegant and funny. She is a very affectionate person and loves to hug me.

  8. My mother is very intelligent and studies hard. He likes to go to the cinema and read. he really likes going to the concerts de Alejandro Sanz.
    Aaron Valbuena

  9. A el meu pare li agrada escoltar música, a la meva mare li agrada veure pelicules


  10. Hello I am Pau Arrabal

    My dad he likes play padle.

    My mam and me cook de lunch together.

  11. My Dad is coocking for have lunch.
    Clara Andreu Puig .

  12. My mother is the most important person in my life. I like to do things with her and have fun together.
    We share many hobbies.
    She is kind and friendly and a good friend.
    Lucia Ortiz Corrales
